171 results found for: breathing



What does it feel to be me right now?

What is the overall feeling of being myself? Is there a general feeling to this experience? Or a general attitude? Rather than rushing to answer these questions, can you savor them? Can you live with them for a while?


This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at:
Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/1737648202/
Alibris https://www.alibris.com/Unravel-the-Thread-Applying-the-ancient-wisdom-of-yoga-to-live-a-happy-life-Rub-n-V%C3%9Fsquez/book/50532904
Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/unravel-the-thread-rub-n-v-squez/1139928755
Indiebound https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781737648208
Thriftbooks https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/unravel-the-thread-applying-the-ancient-wisdom-of-yoga-to-live-a-happy-life_rubn-vsquez/29003752/

#yoga #simpleyoga #yogasimple #unravelthethread #yogasutra #patanjali #patanjaliyogasutra #presence

What is my true nature?

Weaving the thread of the Yoga Sutra: What is my true nature?

Yoga is exploring who you are through posture, breath, thinking and feeling

What happens when you are relaxed? Are there ways of being distracting you from just being with what is? If there are ways of being that can be turned on and off, are they essential? What is left when those ways of being are turned off? Does that even happen, ever? Where are all those ways of being manifesting?


This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at:
Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/1737648202/
Alibris https://www.alibris.com/Unravel-the-Thread-Applying-the-ancient-wisdom-of-yoga-to-live-a-happy-life-Rub-n-V%C3%9Fsquez/book/50532904
Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/unravel-the-thread-rub-n-v-squez/1139928755
Indiebound https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781737648208
Thriftbooks https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/unravel-the-thread-applying-the-ancient-wisdom-of-yoga-to-live-a-happy-life_rubn-vsquez/29003752/

#yoga #simpleyoga #yogasimple #unravelthethread #yogasutra #patanjali #patanjaliyogasutra #presence

3.41 Radiance

Yoga Sutra 3.41 Radiance

How do you digest your physical, mental and emotional sustenance and experiences?

What is the feeling of radiance? How does it manifest in you? Are you familiar with your internal fire? Are you infusing life energy into all of your endeavors? How?


This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at:
Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/1737648202/
and Barnes & Noble

Yoga @ Eckerd College

Yoga for Everyone Yoga class in Spanish for Eckerd College students. A series of gentle movements to improve flexibility, coordination and balance. Also breathing techniques to […]

Yoga for Stress Relief

Join us for this yoga class designed for participants with all levels of experience from complete beginners to seasoned practitioners. You will learn simple, easy and […]

Results, success and guidelines

Weaving the Yoga Sutra: Results, success and guidelines

Do you feel healthier, happier and more energetic?

Two approaches, exercises to connect with the ability to be present and improving our understanding of our mental processes. You know your yoga practice is working because your life experience is improving. Am I noticing a tendency to participate more actively in my life instead of endlessly entertaining myself with my opinions and self-talk? The fact that you are alive means that you have successfully navigated all the previous moments of your life.


This content is inspired by the Yoga Sutra of PAtanjali according to the book Unravel the Thread by Ruben Vasquez available at:
Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/1737648202/
Alibris https://www.alibris.com/Unravel-the-Thread-Applying-the-ancient-wisdom-of-yoga-to-live-a-happy-life-Rub-n-V%C3%9Fsquez/book/50532904
Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/unravel-the-thread-rub-n-v-squez/1139928755
Indiebound https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781737648208
Thriftbooks https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/unravel-the-thread-applying-the-ancient-wisdom-of-yoga-to-live-a-happy-life_rubn-vsquez/29003752/

#yoga #simpleyoga #yogasimple #unravelthethread #yogasutra #patanjali #patanjaliyogasutra #presence