Simple Yoga Blog

September 12, 2020

2.30 & 2.31 The Yamas, wise ways for removing strain

Yoga Sutras 2.30 & 2.31 The Yamas, wise ways of reducing tension Love, Integrity, Fairness and Generosity, Curiosity and Reverence for Life, Abundance and Simplicity. A great universal vow to appreciate and honor the interdependent nature of life in all forms and manifestations. Every tiny step towards applying the yamas, creates the opportunity to see yourself and the world around you in a new light and through a different lens.
September 11, 2020

2.29 The eight limbs of yoga

Yoga Sutra 2.29 The eight limbs of yoga Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi what does your practice consist of? Which limbs of yoga do you prefer to practice? Why? Does your current practice create a balance between body, mind and emotions? How is your practice contributing to the quality of your participation in your life?
September 6, 2020

2.28 Effects of practicing the eight limbs of yoga

Yoga Sutra 2.28 Effects of practicing the eight limbs of yoga Yoga removes impurities, increases wisdom and establishes discriminative awareness Are inefficiencies in your attitudes, posture, movements, breathing, thinking, feeling and interacting? Are there any signs that you are growing in clarity and wisdom?