Simple Yoga Blog

January 16, 2024

Range of Motion, Action, Awareness

Weaving the Yoga Sutra: Range of Motion, Action, Awareness All yoga practices offer opportunities to explore and expand our awareness. The notion of Range of Motion is expanded to mean the totality of potential range of healthy movement that we can consciously do. Range of Action is the complete set of possible variations along the many variables involved in healthy activity. Range of Action encompasses all the different aspects of you that are involved in the activity. Using your awareness to explore your range of action enriches the experience and enhances your ability to develop nuance in your practice. Presence is an ever-evolving journey of exploration that leads us to an ever-expanding integrated awareness. This content is inspired by the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali according to the book Unravel the Thread by Ruben Vasquez available at: Amazon #yoga #simpleyoga #yogasimple #unravelthethread #yogasutra #patanjali #patanjaliyogasutra #presence
January 8, 2024

Two natural tendencies

Weaving the Yoga Sutra: Two natural tendencies Recognizing two natural tendencies that support us To overcome tendencies toward negativity it is useful to remember that we have two very useful natural tendencies that require no effort: Moving toward feeling better and moving away from pain. Become familiar with how they feel, what happens when you move toward feeling better? What do you feel when you notice pain? How are you using these two tendencies in your own practice of all aspects of yoga? This content is inspired by the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali according to the book Unravel the Thread by Ruben Vasquez available at: Amazon #yoga #simpleyoga #yogasimple #unravelthethread #yogasutra #patanjali #patanjaliyogasutra #presence #awareness #mindfulness #consciousness
December 12, 2023

Gradual progress

Weaving the Yoga Sutra: Gradual progress Can you recognize that you are making progress toward your goal? Examine your past actions, are you moving toward your goal? Some of our actions may have taken us away from our goal. This happens to most of us. Noticing that we stray from the goal is an indication of progress. Would you trade places with an earlier version of yourself?' This content is inspired by the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali according to the book Unravel the Thread by Ruben Vasquez available at: Amazon #yoga #simpleyoga #yogasimple #unravelthethread #yogasutra #patanjali #patanjaliyogasutra #presence
November 29, 2023

It’s up to you

Weaving the Yoga Sutra: It's up to you Embarking on the journey of self-discovery is your choice YOGA, You Organically Growing Aware. Four aspects of yoga. Yoga cannot change your beliefs, dispositions, intentions, and actions, only you can! And because this is a lifelong, personal process, it is imperative that you make the conscious decision to do it for yourself. This content is inspired by the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali according to the book Unravel the Thread by Ruben Vasquez available at: Amazon #yoga #simpleyoga #yogasimple #unravelthethread #yogasutra #patanjali #patanjaliyogasutra #presence yoga, yoga sutra,yoga philosophy, patanjali, awareness, consciousness, meditation, presence, memory, applied philosophy, yoga practice, pranayama, pratyahara, concentration, presence
November 22, 2023

Natural breath, long breath

Weaving the Yoga Sutra: Natural breath, long breath Bringing our awareness to the process of breathing In this practice we explore two ways of breathing, natural breath, and long breath. We alternate between these two options, paying attention to where the breath creates movement. As you pay attention to your breath, is it easy to stay focused? Do you feel more relaxed and at ease? This content is inspired by the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali according to the book Unravel the Thread by Ruben Vasquez available at: Amazon #yoga #simpleyoga #yogasimple #unravelthethread #yogasutra #patanjali #patanjaliyogasutra #presence yoga, yoga sutra,yoga philosophy, patanjali, awareness, consciousness, meditation, presence, memory, applied philosophy, yoga practice, pranayama, pratyahara, concentration, presence
November 14, 2023

What are you feeling?

Weaving the Yoga Sutra: What are you feeling? What do you notice when you pay attention to your emotions? In this practice, we explore how emotions manifest in our bodies through sensations, as well as the connections between emotions, thoughts, and memories. We have also explored the origin of emotions and our ability to modulate them and their effect on our overall mood. This content is inspired by the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali according to the book Unravel the Thread by Ruben Vasquez available at: Amazon #yoga #simpleyoga #yogasimple #unravelthethread #yogasutra #patanjali #patanjaliyogasutra #presence yoga, yoga sutra,yoga philosophy, patanjali, awareness, consciousness, meditation, presence, memory, applied philosophy, yoga practice, pranayama, pratyahara, concentration, presence
November 7, 2023

What are you thinking?

Weaving the Yoga Sutra: What are you thinking? What do you notice when you pay attention to your thoughts? In this practice we explored the nature of the thoughts we notice in our field of awareness. We paid attention to how our thoughts manifest, we also noticed their fluctuations, their location, their origin. We also explored staying with a thought and trying to bring it to completion. This content is inspired by the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali according to the book Unravel the Thread by Ruben Vasquez available at: Amazon #yoga #simpleyoga #yogasimple #unravelthethread #yogasutra #patanjali #patanjaliyogasutra #presence yoga, yoga sutra,yoga philosophy, patanjali, awareness, consciousness, meditation, presence, memory, applied philosophy, yoga practice, pranayama, pratyahara, concentration, presence
November 2, 2023

Awareness and its content

Weaving the Yoga Sutra: Awareness and its content Are there differences between awareness and its content? In this practice we alternated between noticing the content of awareness through your perception of sensations in your body and focusing on awareness itself, your ability to witness. Although simple this is a very useful and powerful skill because it enables you to be present and to notice the always changing content of awareness. If the content of your awareness keeps changing all the time, does it make sense to identify with something impermanent? This content is inspired by the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali according to the book Unravel the Thread by Ruben Vasquez available at: Amazon #yoga #simpleyoga #yogasimple #unravelthethread #yogasutra #patanjali #patanjaliyogasutra #presence yoga, yoga sutra,yoga philosophy, patanjali, awareness, consciousness, meditation, presence, memory, applied philosophy, yoga practice, pranayama, pratyahara, concentration, presence
October 24, 2023

One goal

Weaving the Yoga Sutra: One goal Is it possible to have only one goal in life? Why one goal? the simpler our goal, the easier it will be to assess if we are moving in that direction or if we are off track. What happens when we enhance the quality of our participation in our lives? How do our actions contribute to enhancing the quality of life wherever we are? This content is inspired by the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali according to the book Unravel the Thread by Ruben Vasquez available at: Amazon #yoga #simpleyoga #yogasimple #unravelthethread #yogasutra #patanjali #patanjaliyogasutra #presence yoga, yoga sutra,yoga philosophy, patanjali, awareness, consciousness, meditation, presence, memory, applied philosophy, yoga practice, pranayama, pratyahara, concentration, presence