Interview on applying the wisdom of yoga (in Spanish)
January 28, 2025
Interview on applying the wisdom of yoga (in Spanish)
January 28, 2025New phase of Unravel the Thread: PRESENT

I have been studying, practicing and teaching yoga for over 20 years because it works. For me, yoga is the most complete and effective system for cultivating presence and living a meaningful life. (I am aware that there are other systems out there, but yoga is the one that has worked best for me). Experiencing the benefits of yoga personally is what inspires, motivates and energizes me to dedicate my life to making yoga available for the benefit of others.
I started the podcast as a way to share simple and useful ways to understand and, more importantly, apply the wisdom of yoga to everyday life. I was humbled to know that many people have found the podcast useful in their lives. When I finished exploring all of the Yoga Sutras in 201 episodes of the podcast, I thought I might stop creating the podcast. However, in listening to my students and other people in my life, I realized that many of us could use some guidance, encouragement, and support on our journey to feeling healthier, happier, and more balanced. I tried to take a more practical approach in the following 50 episodes of the podcast. As I mentioned before, I look to my students and all the people around me as my teachers to help me decide how to focus my energy to be of service. Again, I have heard people express the challenge of maintaining a consistent practice.
Last year, I learned about this newer platform, Substack, as a robust platform where I can share articles, audio and video in one place in a way that is easier for people to navigate, and after subscribing to some of the writers on the platform, I am inspired to offer more ways for people to practice a simple, effective and enjoyable form of yoga more regularly.
On this new platform, I will continue to provide free resources for you to practice with. My intention is also to create more videos, as they may be easier to follow for some practices. Substack also provides an opportunity for you to support my work through paid subscriptions.
Paid subscriptions
Simple Yoga and Unravel the Thread are a labor of love. I create all of the content, including the writing, photography, chanting and videos. I record, edit, and post the podcast. I also record, edit, and do all the post-production on my videos. I create all of these resources in two languages, English and Spanish. This is in addition to practicing yoga daily, teaching yoga classes, meeting with students privately, and continuing my own study of yoga. Yes, it is a lot of work. And I do it with joy and enthusiasm. As you can imagine, it all takes energy, time, resources and money.
If you find these resources useful and valuable, you can contribute to keep the website, blog, podcast and videos up and running. Your support to Simple Yoga and Unravel the Thread contributes at three levels: First, you help me continue learning, growing and sharing. Second, you help keep these resources available for you and others (in both English and Spanish). And third, you cultivate your generosity which is the gift that keeps on giving because generosity enhances your health, increases your happiness, reduces your stress, helps you feel connected to others and may be linked to a longer life as documented by a couple of interesting articles; Why giving is good for your health and Seven Science Backed Reasons Why Generosity is Good For Your Health).
I invite you to subscribe to this new email list to receive simple, easy, effective and enjoyable 5 to 8 minute yoga practices for your body, mind and emotions. When you subscribe, you will receive regular public posts with practices you can do at home. If you decide to become a paying subscriber, in addition to the free posts, you will receive subscriber-only episodes and posts, and you will be able to post comments and join the community. You can also be a Super Subscriber, willing to give more generously, for that you will receive my undying gratitude for your generosity and support.
You can subscribe by going to https://simpleyoga.substack.com/
New phase of Unravel the thread: PRESENT by Ruben Vasquez
Making the podcast more useful
Read on SubstackI look forward to traveling on this journey with you as we continue growing in presence and awareness together.
This podcast uses the book Unravel the thread: Applying the ancient wisdom of yoga to live a happy life for guidelines on living a healthy, happy and meaningful life.
If you find Simple-Yoga.org and Unravel the thread useful, you can support my work by subscribing to the podcast on https://simpleyoga.substack.com/ . If you prefer, consider supporting this labor of love with a donation, you may also donate using PayPal or Venmo. Thank you!
Thank you.