October 17, 2022
Yoga Sutra 4.20 Pure awareness and world of experience can't be apprehended simultaneously.
You either focus on experiences or on the universal awareness.
What is your intention when you direct your awareness to the world of experience?
What happens?
Do you notice a difference when you focus on aliveness itself?
What happens when you try to focus on both experience and pure aliveness?
This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at:
Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/1737648202/
Alibris https://www.alibris.com/Unravel-the-Thread-Applying-the-ancient-wisdom-of-yoga-to-live-a-happy-life-Rub-n-V%C3%9Fsquez/book/50532904
Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/unravel-the-thread-rub-n-v-squez/1139928755
Indiebound https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781737648208
Thriftbooks https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/unravel-the-thread-applying-the-ancient-wisdom-of-yoga-to-live-a-happy-life_rubn-vsquez/29003752/