Simple Yoga Blog

January 24, 2022

3.39 Entering somebody else’s body

Yoga Sutra 3.39 Entering somebody else's body Would it be possible to release attachment to our body and to understand how our vital energy circulates throughout our body? Can you modulate your attachment to your physical body? Can you release this attachment while remaining appreciative of the miracle that your human body is? Can investigate experientially how your life energy flows through your own body? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
January 18, 2022

3.38 Caution

Yoga Sutra 3.38 Caution What are your goals for your practice? What are you focusing your awareness and energy on? What parameters are you using to measure the effectiveness of your practice? Is your practice a way to build your self-importance, or a way to deepen your humanness? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
January 9, 2022

3.37 Extraordinary intuition and sensitivity

Yoga Sutra 3.37 Extraordinary intuition and sensitivity Is the wisdom that makes all the processes of nature work within your reach? Will it be possible to strengthen your sensory perception? What are the deepest levels of subtlety? How to clarify the distinction between your individual consciousness and your pure consciousness in order to perceive the highest essence of all sensory experiences? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
January 4, 2022

3.36 Samyama on difference essence and existence

Yoga Sutra 3.36 Samyama on difference essence and existence What happens when you contemplate the difference between essence and existence? What is the relationship between your essence and your experiences? What are your motivations? What are your expectations? How do you respond to the changing circumstances of the world around you? Can you focus your attention deeply and effortlessly (samyama) on the distinction between who you think you are and who you are? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
December 28, 2021

3.35 Samyama on the heart

Yoga Sutra 3.35 Samyama on the heart How are your mind and heart related? Do you tend to have your heart open? Do you tend to have an open mind? How do you know if there is a conflict between your mind and your heart? How do you solve it? Can you confirm your intuition with your mind and with your heart? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
December 28, 2021

3.34 Intuitive insight

Yoga Sutra 3.34 Intuitive insight How does your intuition manifest? Where does wisdom reside? Is it possible to receive wisdom effortlessly? How do you distinguish intuition from your preferences? What kinds of actions does your intuition guide you to? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
December 28, 2021

3.33 Samyama on the light in the crown of the head

Yoga Sutra 3.33 Samyama on the light in the crown of the head Is it possible that there are perfected beings (siddhas) who live in harmony with the rhythms of life? How does the space feel inside your head? What brings clarity to the space behind your forehead? Does the practice of each of the branches of yoga bring clarity and lightness (sattva) to all aspects of your being? Does that clarity result in smart and conscious decisions? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
December 28, 2021

3.32 Samyama on the Tortoise Channel

Yoga Sutra 3.32 Samyama on the Tortoise Channel Does the kurma nadi exist? Where can you feel it? What happens when you meditate on the turtle channel? What do you feel? Do you notice any effect? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
December 1, 2021

3.31 Samyama on the pit of the throat

Yoga Sutra 3.31 Samyama on the pit of the throat Is it possible to control your hunger and thirst? What is your optimal level of hydration? What is your attitude toward the food available to you? What ideas guide your food choices? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble