Simple Yoga Blog

July 23, 2021

3.10 Inner Silence Expands

Yoga Sutra 3.10 Inner Silence Expands Peaceful impressions contribute to expanding inner silence. Is being more aware of your tendencies motivating you to cultivate helpful tendencies? How are you cultivating greater peace in your outer and inner life? What are the effects of your practice, a tendency towards greater harmony or disharmony?
July 15, 2021

3.9 Towards inner silence

Yoga Sutra 3.9 Towards inner silence A transformation of body, mind and senses. Gravitating towards personified consciousness. Do you notice a change in your attitude, mood, distraction, and inner environment? Do you complain more or less than before? Are you more willing to participate in all aspects of your life with kindness and compassion?
July 8, 2021

3.7 & 3.8 Levels of awareness

Yoga Sutra 3.7 & 3.8 Levels of awareness Gradual process toward clarity Still lingering traces of separateness preventing the practitioner from fully embodying pure awareness. As you cultivate spaciousness, stillness, and silence within, can you soften your grip on anything and everything? Would it be possible to relinquish ownership of your beliefs?
July 1, 2021

3.6 Step by step

Yoga Sutra 3.6 Step by step Samyama is a gradual distillation of attention from a dense object to increasing levels of subtlety. There are no shortcuts in yoga. Is your sensitivity growing? Are your knowledge and intuition growing? Do you feel like you get subtle suggestions during the day?
July 1, 2021

3.5 Insight into higher wisdom

Yoga Sutra 3.5 Insight into higher wisdom Practicing yoga helps you recognize insight by distinguishing it from your opinions. As you become more practiced in connecting to your inner spaciousness, stillness, and silence, what do you discover? How is your yoga practice fostering your receptivity? How does insight manifest in you?
June 12, 2021

3.4 Meditative integration – samyama

Yoga Sutra 3.4 Meditative integration - samayama Natural progression from concentration to meditation and then to deep integration samadhi. When you let go of your opinions, beliefs and preferences, do you find it easier to remain in a meditative state? How do your actions reflect your connection to your deep inner serenity? If you practice regularly, does clarity become more familiar and accessible?
June 12, 2021

3.3 Samadhi – integration

Yoga Sutra 3.3 Samadhi - integration Becoming a receptacle for wholeness The deep integration of samadhi is not a static state but a dynamic and wholehearted participation in the endless interaction between life and awareness. What contributes to deepening your inner silence and stillness?
May 30, 2021

3.2 Meditation – dhyana

Yoga Sutra 3.2 Meditation - dhyana Meditation is the natural progression resulting from concentration. Keep honing the ability to direct your attention internally to feel and witness the richness of your inner universe. It is important not to confuse practice with the resulting experience.
May 30, 2021

3.1 Concentration – dharana

Yoga Sutra 3.1 Concentration - dharana Directing the mind to a specific point What is important enough to deserve your attention? Have you noticed how focusing mostly on temporary experiences and goals often results in riding an emotional rollercoaster from success to defeat, from dissatisfaction to feeling accomplished?