Simple Yoga Blog

March 18, 2021

2.48 Beyond dualities

Yoga Sutra 2.48 Beyond dualities How do you feel after your asana practice? What are the dualities that influence your understanding? To what extent are I and not I useful categories for enhancing the quality of your life? What is the relationship between dualities and preferences in your life?
March 11, 2021

2.47 Releasing struggle and endless integration

Yoga Sutra 2.47 Releasing struggle and endless integration Are struggles and distractions sources of inefficiencies? What are the sources of your struggles when you practice asana? Are your struggles a symptom of your assumptions and expectations? What is your relationship to time in your practice? Can your asana and vinyasa practice be a timeless abiding in contemplative presence?
March 5, 2021

2.46 Steady and joyful posture

Yoga Sutra 2.46 Steady and joyful posture Asana is living in knowledge and meditation, empty of distractions, free of likes and dislikes. Asana is striking a balance between steadiness and joy. Is there any strain, struggle or self-judgement in your physical yoga practice? How do you ensure that you are balancing your strength, flexibility, and relaxation?
February 22, 2021

2.45 Effects of humility (ishvara pranidhana)

Yoga Sutra 2.45 Effects of humility (ishvara pranidhana) What happens when you recognize that you are not in charge of the Universe? How do you relate to what is beyond your control? Are you aware of the limits of your understanding? What attitudes are more conducive to attracting insight? Do you take credit for the insights you have received?
February 16, 2021

2.44 Effects of wisdom (svadhyaya)

Yoga Sutra 2.44 Effects of wisdom (svadhyaya) How are you studying yourself and true wisdom? For you what is life? Where do you find wisdom? How do you recognize true wisdom? Do you really know yourself? What does Supreme Being mean to you?
February 10, 2021

2.43 Effects of enthusiasm (tapas)

Yoga Sutra 2.43 Effects of enthusiasm (tapas) How do you express your energy, commitment and enthusiasm? Tapas is a process of self-regulation. Are you aware of your patterns in movement, posture, breathing, thought, and emotions? Which patterns contribute to enliven your outlook and the overall tone of your feelings? Which don’t?
February 1, 2021

2.42 Effects of contenment (santosha)

Yoga Sutra 2.42 Effects of contenment (santosha) When you ask yourself if you live in contentment, what do you find? Are you creating satisfaction from within or based on the world outside? What are your internal filters that cause dissatisfaction? What needs to happen for you to find joy deep within?
January 25, 2021

2.41 Effects of clarity II (shaucha)

Yoga Sutra 2.41 Effects of clarity II (shaucha) As you commit to establishing clarity within, what do you notice? Remember that gaining clarity will make more apparent the areas where there is still confusion, just like cleaning and organizing one closet or room in your home will make the disorderliness in other rooms more evident.
January 20, 2021

2.40 Effects of clarity I (shaucha)

Yoga Sutra 2.40 Effects of clarity I (shaucha) How do you cultivate clarity in your own life? Are there areas of your mental, physical, or emotional life that you choose to ignore? What is the nature of the blockages that you find? Is it possible that some of those blockages result from your own beliefs? Is there a relationship between who you think you should be and those blockages?