2.27 Liberation unfolds in seven stages
August 23, 2020
2.29 The eight limbs of yoga
September 11, 2020
2.27 Liberation unfolds in seven stages
August 23, 2020
2.29 The eight limbs of yoga
September 11, 20202.28 Effects of practicing the eight limbs of yoga

2.28 Practicing the eight limbs of yoga removes impurities, increases wisdom (jñana) and establishes discriminative awareness( viveka).
Sutra 2.2 offered clear criteria to notice if your yogic actions are working: Tensions and afflictions decrease, and inner harmony increases. Along the same lines, this sutra provides ways to verify that your practice is working. This sutra says that when you practice all aspects of yoga you are removing inefficiencies, pain and obstructions. In addition, you grow in wisdom (jñana) and in your capacity to understanding yourself and the world around you. Moreover, the practice of yoga helps you become better established in discerning your true nature from who you believe you are or should be (viveka). The practice of the eight limbs of yoga brings about living in greater harmony, wisdom and truth. To put this sutra into practice, notice if there are inefficiencies in your attitudes, posture, movements, breathing, thinking, feeling and interacting. Are those obstacles similar to the ones listed in sutra 1.30? Can you remove these obstacles using the suggestions in sutras 1.32 to 1.39? As you reduce inefficiencies and obstacles, does your body feel less pain, soreness and discomfort? When you remove ineffective attitudes and actions, does your outlook change? Do you feel more energized? Are there any signs that you are growing in clarity and wisdom? Are you better able to notice the difference between who you think you are and who you truly are? For instance, to what extent do you believe that you are your occupation, possessions or bank account? Can you see clearly if your ideas and stories are really yours? Are you establishing more meaningful connections to others? Is your mind more open? Is there more love, kindness and compassion in your heart?
As usual, one more way of exploring the meaning of this sutra is by chanting it.
You can choose to chant it in its traditional form with some of the words coming together:
2.28 yogāṅgānuṣṭhānādaśuddhikṣaye jñānadīptirāvivekakhyāteḥ
योगाङ्गानुष्ठानादशुद्धिक्षये ज्ञानदीप्तिराविवेकख्यातेः ॥२८॥
Another option is to chant each word in the sutra individually:
- yoga
- aṅga
- anuṣṭhānāt
- aśuddhi
- kṣaye
- jñāna
- dīptiḥ
- āviveka
- khyāteḥ
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