Expanding Possibilities: Linking Horizontal & Vertical Movements Remember that you can access more Dance of Shiva articles at: Dance of Shiva (Shiva Nata) Introduction Dance of […]
Very often I notice that changing weather patterns are on our minds because some of the variations we are experiencing seem to be difficult to ignore. […]
The Dance of Shiva is a form of moving meditation rescued by Ukranian Yoga Teacher Andrey Lappa. The practice starts with two basic patterns, horizontal and […]
In Sanskrit many words have a whole set of meanings. For instance, some of the meanings of the word yoga include: junction, union, putting together, connection […]
Often people assume that yoga is about cultivating extreme flexibility. This assumption may be related to the media’s tendency to favor images of extremely flexible people […]
Yoga, when practiced with integrity, guides us on a journey towards increasing clarity and ease. Along the way, as we gradually fine-tune our sensitivity, questions emerge, […]