Simple Yoga Blog

May 18, 2021

Chapter 3 Magnificence – Introduction

Yoga Sutra Chapter 3 Magnificence Advanced meditation practices and how they reveal subtle aspects of reality Definitions of yoga include: supernatural means, charm, enchantment, and magical art; and the definition of a yoga practitioner, a yogi or a yogini, includes a magician, a conjurer, and someone who possesses superhuman powers. Is it possible that the practice of yoga confers extraordinary powers?
May 11, 2021

Summary of Chapter 2 of the Yoga Sutra

Summary of Chapter 2 of the Yoga Sutra Practice, the doing mode is the general theme of this chapter Yogic action [2.1-2.2] Afflictions [2.3-2.11] Effects [2.12-2.14] Suffering [2.15-2.17] Awareness and experiences [2.18-2.22] Discernment [2.23-2.27] The limbs of yoga [2.28-2.55]
May 3, 2021

2.55 Senses under control

Yoga Sutra 2.55 Senses under control Putting your senses at the service of the highest goal. Is your awareness at the service of your senses or are your senses at the services of your awareness? Can you articulate your senses to support your single pointed focus? Are your senses helping you participate consciously in your life?
April 27, 2021

2.54 Pratyahara, inner sensitivity

Yoga Sutra 2.54 Pratyahara, inner sensitivity Change the focal point for your senses from external to internal. Charge your senses with the power of awareness. Curiosity about the myriad sensations making up your inner life provides the motivation and drive to embark on this inward journey. Where do these subtler experiences lead you?
April 19, 2021

2.53 Mind fit for concentration

Yoga Sutra 2.53 Mind fit for concentration Once you choose a point of focus can you stay with it? Can you neutralize arising distractions? If you are noticing a calmer and more focused mind, how does it influence your outlook, perspective, choices, and interactions? Is your ability to focus influenced by choosing a meaningful focal point?
April 19, 2021

2.52 Brighter inner light

Yoga Sutra 2.52 Brighter inner light Is your pranayama practice helping you align with your awareness? If you practice conscious and easeful breathing every morning or every night, what do you notice? What are the effects of your lifestyle and activities on the quality of your breath? Are you developing greater sensitivity to your own vital energy?
April 5, 2021

2.51 Breath beyond regulation

Yoga Sutra 2.51 Breath beyond regulation Deep connection with the subtleties of breath and vital energy What happens to your breath when your mind is absorbed in something fascinating? What happens when you try to lengthen your breath with consistency? What happens when you shorten your breathing to its minimum level?
March 29, 2021

2.50 Systematic long and subtle breathing

Yoga Sutra 2.50 Systematic long and subtle breathing Observe your breath according to location, duration and count. What is the duration of your natural, involuntary inhalation? How does it compare to the duration of your natural exhalation? Is there a brief pause during the transitions between exhalation and inhalation? Can you direct your breath to move the lower torso, mid torso and upper torso?
March 25, 2021

2.49 Pranayama: Breath regulation

Yoga Sutra 2.49 Pranayama: Breath regulation Pranayama enhances sensitivity and reduces inefficiencies What is your level of awareness of your respiratory system? What moves in your body when you breathe? Do you hold your breath involuntarily? What are the connections between breath, activity, mind and emotions?