February 25, 2024
Weaving the Yoga Sutra: Complaining
Do you ever complain? What do you complain about?
Is it possible to modulate your complaining? Are our complaints a way to release a build-up of tension and irritation? Or is our complaining an expression of frustration because our expectations do not match the situation we find ourselves in? The first path is a very practical way of turning complaints into action. The second way to act is to see if our complaints are enabling us to improve the quality of our contribution to the moment we are in. Imagine what would happen if all complaints were turned into uplifting actions…
This content is inspired by the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali according to the book Unravel the Thread by Ruben Vasquez available at:
Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/1737648202/
#yoga #simpleyoga #yogasimple #unravelthethread #yogasutra #patanjali #patanjaliyogasutra #presence
yoga, yoga sutra,yoga philosophy, patanjali, awareness, consciousness, meditation, presence, memory, applied philosophy, yoga practice, pranayama, pratyahara, concentration, presence