Simple Yoga Blog

June 10, 2022

3.55 Freedom from conditioned existence

Yoga Sutra 3.55 Freedom from conditioned existence Complete transcendental knowledge To what extent is your life ruled by the illusion of time? What are the conditions that you place on your relationships? What are the ways of being that pull ou away from your natural state? What are the conditions that keep you from saying yes to life? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
May 11, 2022

3.54 Essential difference of identical objects

Yoga Sutra 3.54 Essential difference of identical objects Complete attunement to what is perceived To what extent are you able to notice the very subtle aspects of the phenomena that surround you? As the subtlety in your perceptive capacity grows, so do your kindness, caring and compassion? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
April 29, 2022

3.53 Wisdom born of discernment

Yoga Sutra 3.53 Wisdom born of discernment Samyama on single moments and their sequence Is the fundamental difference between yesterday, tomorrow and today clear? What is your understanding of time? Is uncertainty about tomorrow a hindrance or a motivating factor for meaningful action? Can your meditation on the sequence of unique moments clarify the difference between the aspect of you that is changing constantly and the part that seems to be timeless? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
April 29, 2022

3.52 Resurgence of undesirable consequences

Yoga Sutra 3.52 Resurgence of undesirable consequences Vanity and conceit resulting from contact with others The seeds of the ways of being can flourish again because of invitations from celestial beings. Are there traces of self-importance in you? What are the triggers that activate your self-importance? How is your life purpose orienting you towards liberation? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
April 19, 2022

3.51 Releasing attainments

Yoga Sutra 3.51 Releasing attainments And removing the remaining seeds of afflictions Freedom from attachments to beliefs, opinions and preferences. Established in uninterrupted discriminative awareness. Where are you on your path towards liberation? What ways of being are you holding on to? Which ones have you identified as unhelpful and released? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
April 19, 2022

3.50 Supremacy and omniscience

Yoga Sutra 3.50 Supremacy and omniscience Discerning between pure awareness and the immaculate individual consciousness To what extent do you believe that your experiences and mental activity are your true nature? Are you gaining supremacy over your ways of being? Do you know everything that can be known? What is pure awareness? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
April 1, 2022

3.49 Mastery of nature

Yoga Sutra 3.49 Mastery of nature Body faster than the mind and independence of the senses. Is it possible to perceive beyond the senses? Can the body move faster than the mind? What would be the benefits of being able to master the creative principle of nature? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
March 26, 2022

3.48 Mastery of the senses

Yoga Sutra 3.48 Mastery of the senses Are you familiar with the subtlest aspects of your senses? Culmination of pratyahara. Meditative integration focused on the senses at various levels. How in tune are you with your own perceptual systems and processes? What is the role of your senses in your life? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
March 26, 2022

3.47 Body perfections

Yoga Sutra 3.47 Body perfections Beauty, grace and indestructibility The effects of mastering the elements. Side effects of the practice. What are the side effects of your practice? What happens when you act with enthusiasm, kindness and sincerity? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble