Simple Yoga Blog

November 9, 2021

3.28 Samyama on the moon

Yoga Sutra 3.28 Samyama on the moon What can you learn from meditating on the moon? Does the moon offer you information about other celestial bodies? What does the moon teach you about your own being and about your life? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
November 2, 2021

3.27 Samyama on the sun

Yoga Sutra 3.27 Samyama on the sun What do you discover by meditating on the sushumna? What happens when you meditate on the Sun at the center of our solar system? Is it possible to learn about the Universe by focusing on the central channel of your body? What do you learn about your own being by developing your sensitivity about the central axis of your body? Is there a subtle connection between your heart and the crown of your head? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
October 27, 2021

3.26 Samyama on inner light

Yoga Sutra 3.26 Samyama on inner light What happens when you focus your attention on the light of your awareness? Are you cultivating clarity and evenness in your practice and in your daily life? How do your emotions contribute to your participation in your life? Are you becoming more sensitive to subtle hints from the world around you? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
October 27, 2021

3.25 Samyama and strength

Yoga Sutra 3.25 Samyama and strength Which archetype represents the qualities you want? Can I embody strength, goodness, intelligence, prosperity, compassion? What is significant and relevant enough to give it your attention, time and energy? Where is your strength? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
October 11, 2021

3.24 Samyama on friendliness

Yoga Sutra 3.24 Samyama on friendliness Samyama, catalyst of qualities What happens when you focus fully on becoming an abode of friendliness (maitri)? What do you notice when you meditate on compassion (karuna) by sending wholehearted wishes for freedom from suffering and for the well-being of all living beings without exception or condition? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
October 5, 2021

3.23 Samyama and Karma

Yoga Sutra 3.23 Samyama and Karma Would it be possible to know when we will die? To what extent are you aware of the connections between the events emerging in your daily life and your previous actions? Is it possible that you can gain insight on the repercussions of your current actions and interactions? What can you learn by meditating on your own eventual demise? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
September 25, 2021

3.21 and 3.22 Samyama and invisibility

Yoga Sutras 3.21 and 3.22 Samyama and invisibility To what extent do your actions generate more turbulence in the world? What are the footprints you are leaving with your thoughts, intentions, actions, and interactions? What are the sources of interference in your life? Is it possible for you to act without attracting attention? This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
September 18, 2021

3.19 and 3.20 Samyama on gestures and actions

Yoga Sutra 3.19 and 3.20 Samyama on gestures and actions. Inner state of a person but not its cause. What do you learn when you focus on a person's gestures, actions, and behavior? Will it be possible to find ways to interact with others with compassion and awareness? You can get your copy of the book Unravel the Thread at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
September 12, 2021

3.18 Samyama on impressions (samskaras)

Yoga Sutra 3.18 Samyama on impressions (samskaras) What do past impressions reveal to you? What are the effects of impressions left by previous events in your mind, body, attitude, emotions, intentions, choices, actions and interactions?