Simple Yoga Blog

January 14, 2021

2.39 Results of freedom from cravings (aparigraha)

Yoga Sutra 2.39 Results of freedom from cravings (aparigraha) Do you find contentment in many situations and changing circumstances? Do you live in abundance, scarcity or craving? How much time, energy and resources do you allocate to maintaining what you own? Do you derive your sense of self from your material possessions, appearance, and circumstances?
January 8, 2021

2.38 Results of reverence for life (brahmacharya)

Yoga Sutra 2.38 Results of reverence for life (brahmacharya) How do you know if you are living in harmony with life? How do you gauge moderation in your actions? Is there balance in your life between work, play, personal development, and relationships? Is there anything that sparks the light of vitality and enthusiasm in you?
January 1, 2021

2.37 Results of fairness and generosity (asteya)

Yoga Sutra 2.37 Results of fairness and generosity (asteya) Do you see the world as a place of scarcity or abundance? How do you see yourself in relation to the world of material comforts? How much of your time do you invest meditating on money? How does that compare to the amount of time you spend cultivating genuine relationships with yourself and with others?
December 18, 2020

2.36 Results of integrity (satya)

Yoga Sutra 2.36 Results of integrity (satya) Is it possible for you to align with integrity by connecting to your conscience? What happens if you choose to see you as you and everything around you from the microscopic to the macrocosmic? What would happen if you chose to live based on that recognition? Would that make you both more effective and efficient?
December 16, 2020

2.35 Results of love and compassion (ahimsa)

Yoga Sutra 2.35 Results of love and compassion (ahimsa) How do you feel when you act with love and compassion? What enables you to open your heart? How are you cultivating compassion and kindness towards yourself? How are you cultivating compassion and kindness towards others?
December 6, 2020

2.30-2.34: Guidelines for reducing strain and struggle

Yoga Sutras 2.30-2.34: Guidelines for reducing strain and struggle The yamas, niyamas and pratipaksha bhavana An efficient energy management system so that your energy is not generating more agitation but instead contributing to enhance the quality of your life.
December 1, 2020

2.34 Abstaining from negativity and violence

Yoga Sutra 2.34 Abstaining from negativity and violence Do you engage in negative and violent thoughts, emotions or actions? Engaging in negativity and violence plants the seeds for future experiences that will be colored by suffering. How are your different systems affected by negativity? What ahppens when you turn around violent thoughts toward more uplifting and inspiring ones?