Simple Yoga Blog

October 13, 2020

2:30 Yamas: Abundance and simplicity – aparigraha

Yoga Sutra 2:30 Yamas: Abundance and simplicity - aparigraha The fact that you are alive confirms that at every point in your life, whatever you needed to move forward was within your reach. How much do I really need? To what extent does what I have contribute to enhance the quality of my life? What level of maintenance do my possessions require? Do I own what I have or does what I have own me? To what extent am I cultivating simplicity in my life?
October 5, 2020

2.30 Yamas: Curiosity and reverence for life (brahmacharya)

Yoga Sutra 2.30 Yamas: Curiosity and reverence for life (brahmacharya) Studying the mystery of existence, honoring the absolute and following supreme wisdom. Brahmacharya is an invitation to become one with the life force all around you. How am I cultivating life affirming thoughts, attitudes, actions and interactio
October 5, 2020

2.30 Yamas: Fairness and Generosity – Asteya

Yoga Sutra 2.30 Yamas: Fairness and Generosity - Asteya Is your attitude regarding the resources available to you one of entitlement or gratitude? What are the differences between what you want, expect and need? How do you know the difference? How do these ideas relate to the notion of fairness and generosity? How you contribute to affirm life and how you strengthen the connections among all beings, from the most minuscule to the largest?
September 21, 2020

2.30 Yamas – Integrity (Satya)

Yoga Sutra 2.30 Yama Integrity (Satya) Satya is being whole in your thoughts, intentions, movements, words, actions and interactions. What is your true nature? How do you honor your true nature in your thoughts, words, actions and interactions? What type of activities are most conducive to connecting to your wholeness in mind, heart and body?
September 12, 2020

2.30 & 2.31 The Yamas, wise ways for removing strain

Yoga Sutras 2.30 & 2.31 The Yamas, wise ways of reducing tension Love, Integrity, Fairness and Generosity, Curiosity and Reverence for Life, Abundance and Simplicity. A great universal vow to appreciate and honor the interdependent nature of life in all forms and manifestations. Every tiny step towards applying the yamas, creates the opportunity to see yourself and the world around you in a new light and through a different lens.
September 11, 2020

2.29 The eight limbs of yoga

Yoga Sutra 2.29 The eight limbs of yoga Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi what does your practice consist of? Which limbs of yoga do you prefer to practice? Why? Does your current practice create a balance between body, mind and emotions? How is your practice contributing to the quality of your participation in your life?
September 6, 2020

2.28 Effects of practicing the eight limbs of yoga

Yoga Sutra 2.28 Effects of practicing the eight limbs of yoga Yoga removes impurities, increases wisdom and establishes discriminative awareness Are inefficiencies in your attitudes, posture, movements, breathing, thinking, feeling and interacting? Are there any signs that you are growing in clarity and wisdom?
August 23, 2020

2.27 Liberation unfolds in seven stages

2.27 Liberation unfolds in seven stages Steps that lead to integration (samadhi) Notice suffering. Identify causes of suffering. Reduce distractions. Internal climate of clarity. Everything leads to liberation. Disinterest in manipulating the forces of nature. Effortless harmony.
August 15, 2020

2.26 Uninterrupted discriminative awareness

Yoga Sutra 2.26 Uninterrupted discriminative awareness Noticing the fundamental difference between being and doing The person established in discriminative awareness recognizes the fundamental difference between living in harmony with the perfection of life on the one hand, and living in the stories in his head, on the other. Can you set your intention to abide in awareness?