Discover how to move towards balanced and fulfilling relationships Using the transformational power of Yoga to remove habitual patterns of thought and action, in this workshop […]
Short Attention Span It seems undeniable that we live in times when faster is generally equated with better, at least at the surface level. Many of […]
Yoga is much more than physical exercises. Yoga is a complete system of practices that create a deep-rooted sense of stillness & awareness. The Total Yoga […]
Keep it simple Frequently our minds tend to complicate things. The mind thrives creating elaborate systems of thought composed of nicely packaged concepts and ideas. This […]
Is there somebody whispering in your ear? I recently remembered a video about Ben Zander, a truly inspirational teacher. In the video (at 3:10) he says […]
“In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness.” Mahatma […]
Multitasking Required. Although various studies indicate that multitasking slows us down, it seems that multitasking continues to be prevalent . Now it seems that we are […]