September 7, 2011 September 7, 2011Categories Breathing Movement Movimiento Respiración Yoga Yoga PosesFree Yoga Classes in September at New Tampa Regional LibraryI am glad to announce that thanks to the support of the New Tampa Regional Library and the The Friends of the Library of Tampa-Hillsborough County […]
August 29, 2011 August 29, 2011Categories Meditación Meditation Yoga2 minute concentration exerciseIt is quite common for many of us to have a preconceived idea about meditation, what it is and how it works, even before we have […]
August 13, 2011 August 13, 2011Categories General Lifestyle VidaExpectation is the source of frustrationFor most of us, our minds are constantly remembering and thinking about the past. Often we try to use past information and memories of previous experiences […]
May 16, 2011 May 16, 2011Categories General Lifestyle Meditation YogaYoga Retreat in Florida: The Art of RelaxationNamaste! Often I have been asked if I lead retreats in the Tampa Bay area. Finally, I am glad to announce an upcoming retreat at the […]
March 7, 2011 March 7, 2011Categories Lifestyle Meditación Meditation VidaMantra, the power of wordsOften when we hear about mantras, the concept seems both exotic and esoteric. In general, the word mantra is defined as a word or short sentence […]
November 29, 2010 November 29, 2010Categories General Lifestyle Movement Movimiento Vida Yoga Yoga Poses5 minute easy and effective chair Yoga practice (excellent for the office!)5 minute easy and effective chair Yoga practice (excellent for the office!) Those of us who spend a lot of time sitting every day, for instance […]
August 29, 2010 August 29, 2010Categories Breathing General Lifestyle Meditación Meditation Respiración Vida YogaJanuary 2011: Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica!I hope your week is going very well. Often I have been asked if I lead yoga retreats. I love teaching where I live so that […]
August 22, 2010 August 22, 2010Categories Lifestyle Yoga Yoga PosesYoga Workshop: Discover your Home PracticeI am pleased to announce that I will offer a workshop on home practice this Sunday, August 29 from 2:00 – 5:00pm at St Pete Yoga. […]
July 12, 2010 July 12, 2010Categories Lifestyle Vida YogaYoga: Sincere Effort Towards ClarityWhen we set out on any journey it is necessary to know, as clearly as we can, what is our intended destination. Knowing our destination makes […]