Simple Yoga Blog

September 14, 2008

Yoga: The Long View

Short Attention Span It seems undeniable that we live in times when faster is generally equated with better, at least at the surface level. Many of […]
July 22, 2008

Simplicity: Do what we are doing

Keep it simple Frequently our minds tend to complicate things. The mind thrives creating elaborate systems of thought composed of nicely packaged concepts and ideas. This […]
June 30, 2008

Radiance Point

Mindful Practice Among Yoga practitioners there are often enlightening discussions about the appropriate level of the practice or the right balance between the physical, mental and […]
May 26, 2008

Open and receptive mind

Everything is always the same Do you ever get the feeling that life is just the endless repetition of day after day with very little variation […]